Interoperability for CMS Compliance
MedicaSoft offers impacted payers a simple technical solution for compliance with CMS Interoperability mandates. MedicaSoft’s solution for CMS Interoperability:
Supports all technical requirements for CMS-0057-F
Integrates easily with data warehouse and ancillary services
Is a modular, scalable solution that adapts easily to future CMS mandates
At a high level, for each of the CMS Interop APIs, implementation is three phases:
1 - Map: Mapping data from internal systems to FHIR for applicable members
2 - Connect: Connecting Ancillary Services (authentication, analytics, etc.)
3 - Schedule: Setting and scheduling data refresh (Payer Data → FHIR Data)
During implementation of the technical solution, these three phases of work are completed in parallel. (1) Mapping is typically the phase of the implementation that takes the most time and requires the highest level of effort.
Figure 1: Technical Solution Diagram
Why MedicaSoft?
FHIR Platform in production since 2017
More than Eight Years of Enterprise FHIR Platform Experience
Proven Platform that serves as interop infrastructure for multiple state HIEs
Intimately familiar with the mapping, matching, and quality challenges
Modular, scalable solution that’s readily adaptable to customer processes
Open, standards-based solution that’s readily adaptable to future CMS mandates
Specialized tools to accelerate mapping of payer’s data to FHIR
Mature API Documentation
HITRUST Security
For Medicaid
Experience with CMS Interop Implementations in State Medicaid Agencies
Knowledgeable of CMS-required Processes for Security, Project Management
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